How To Tighten Facial Skin Without Cosmetics

How to tighten skin – Skin is part of the body that protects the entire body, and the skin is the most visible part of the body from the outside. Many people who try to do anything in order to make their skin look fresh and healthy always. In fact, the skin continues to do regenerate each day, only the longer then the skin will progressively loosen and problematic. Of course, many women deal with this, as the skin continues to slacken over the ages. Especially if a woman using makeup every day or frequently affected by exposure to sunlight. If you want to tighten the skin, here are some tips and trick.

1.) conduct regular massages

Regular massage can help tighten the skin. Although it takes a long time but the result will be mature and also nice. This massage can stimulate the firmness in order to skin's the better. Circular motion and movement and above can help remove wrinkles or fine lines around the face. This massage is done every good before bed on a regular basis during each day. Although it's been visible changes but do not stop. Besides a massage can launch the blood circulation in the body.

2) healthy life Patterns.

The fact that unhealthy life pattern of very rapid skin allows loosens and causes premature aging. Well, such as unhealthy foods, lack of fiber, less fruit will cause skin nutrients well. • avoid fatty foods because saturated fat can accumulate in the body and experience the rotundity and cause wrinkles

Second life doesn't work out lazy, unhealthy lifestyle such as exercise allows the skin could not be toned and also more wrinkles. Try the sport that way you will burn fat.

3.) make use of sea salt

It turns out that sea salt can be used to tighten the skin. For those of you who want to have firmer skin, sea salt contains high antioxidants and high mineral content that can nourish the skin. The compound can also rejuvenate the skin so as to • avoid premature aging. Sea salt that is used must be the original sea salt, using salt without the mix then you can dispose of toxins and impurities while simultaneously so that the skin becomes toned. You can use it by way of mixing water for bathing with a 2-3 spoon sea salt. To do routine Saturday daily and you will feel the result 2-3 weeks after using the salt.

4). • avoid Smoking

Some of you are not aware if smoking is not only damaging to the work of the organs especially the lungs. For smokers, the toxins that are in cigarettes and smoked will effect on the skin. The influence of the skin loosens it turns out is the first side effect arising frequently if smoke or have become heavy smokers. The best solution, of course to stop smoking. If you are doing it tough stop slowly. Cut down on your smoking servings each day. Then the skin will not regenerate and return a poisoning well every day.

5.) Protect from exposure to the Sun

Do you know that the Sun had exposure to bad enough? May the Sun in the morning until 8 still has good nutrients such as vitamin d. but after passing the morning sun exposure is quite pungent and harm the skin. The Sun at noon can donate either UV rays A and B that causes the skin loosens and is also at risk of getting cancer. The solution you could use sunscreen or sunblock that has content to protect skin in order not to accept the entirety of the sunlight coming into the skin. You can also minimalisir with wearing clothes covered when the Sun is shining, and also • avoid the activity when it is being hot. But if you had to you could wear both anti-UV lotion.

5 tips above can help you • avoid sagging skin and helps tighten the skin. Whatever the reason, you can still restore the skin if know the cause and also perform various routine Saturday tips above. With the skin toned appearance you will look younger and healthier. Because health is the most important thing in comparison with appearance or other things.

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