Benefits Of Leeks For Health And Body

Benefits Of Leeks For Health And Body - Benefits of leek has been since the beginning are used to boost the food often served. Leeks are indeed removing the typical aromas, especially if made a mix on the cuisine will be so delicious. Leeks are indeed becoming a seasoning Cook who became the hallmark of the cuisine of Indonesia, with the kind of onion-bawangan such as onion and garlic.

In the spring onion turned out not just flavoring food but also content that is nutritious for human health. What sort of benefits this onion?? Read more in our review of this article.

Types Of Leek

As it is known, the form of leeks not like leaves in general because its shape is like the stem but their texture is soft. It turns out that there are 2 types of Leek are found namely the lily Leek or onion semprong (sibol), which in latin is called allium fistulosum and leaves Leek or leek, allium porrum called in latin. Both the leeks have different physical characteristics.

Lily Leek/semprong/sibol has small, round-leaved bulbs, long, and has a hole like a pipe. While the leaves of the leek/leek don't have bulbs, long-leaved, flat, and has a long and meandering River. Physically possible both types of Leek is different but equally its usefulness could be seasoning pelezat and enhance your dishes.

Prevent the occurrence of disease anemia

Chives contained iron which is capable of increasing production of blood in the body. Someone who is experiencing a shortage of blood should try to consume these foods because ferroportin content on Leek store iron.

• Boost The Immune System

The immune system should be reinforced by daily intake because of the body at any time we could be attacked. Strengthens the immune system with the benefits this onion dau done by content of sulphur compounds such as allicin. This function is same with the vitamin C in oranges.

• Healthy heart

Leeks well consumed for maintaining heart health as it contains polisulfida which protects the heart disease that could happen. These vegetables also contain manganese, a mineral that maintaining good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the body.

• Maintaining The Strength Of The Bone

Leek is a very rich source of vitamin k. Vitamin K is a very important vitamin for maintaining long-term bone health. Vitamin K can help the cell regulation means that can help prevent the bone demineralisasi. It also assisted with the production of a protein called osteocalcin, bone which is very important to maintain bone mineral density so that is not the case of various diseases in bones.

So you must use leeks when you want cooking to be health for body and mine. Thanks for visit this blog.

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