Benefits Of Spinach For Health

Benefits Of Spinach For Health - Benefits of spinach is very important for growing children, pregnant women, and for everyone, of course. Spinach is vegetables are a favorite for family of Indonesia.

Spinach is easily found at traditional markets, and to cook it is also not difficult. The menu of sauteed spinach, usually in with some other ingredients like corn which of course make sauteed spinach varies and simultaneously benefit the corn or the benefits of long beans in one dish.

Vegetables like this material, can also be creative with chicken meat into nuggets of spinach. The menu like this usually very liked by children, but the nutrient content of spinach did in fact good for your body.

Content Of Spinach

Spinach is nutrient dense food ingredients, that makes it no less than other vegetables such as sprouts on the merits, the merits of long beans or any benefits of carrots. There are a bunch on calories, iron, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, calcium and other important nutrients.

Benefits Of Spinach For Healthy Body

Benefits of spinach was in sight of a variety of high nutrient content in it. Benefits of spinach is very diverse and is good for the body especially for children who are periods of growth. Some of the benefits of spinach is as follows:

1. It is important to Maintain eye health

Spinach is one of the vegetables that are very high in vitamin A, we know that this vitamin is very important for maintaining eye health vision in order to remain good.

2. Maintaining bone health

Vitamin K in spinach help the absorption of calcium is good for the bones. On the people who have been exposed to a very vulnerable elderly disease osteoporosis, therefore it is very important to consume the spinach and let alone in children who are growing flower. Seimbangkan with milk for calcium are important for bone formation.

3. Maintaining heart health

Cholesterol plaques in arteries will increase the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants in spinach prevent the pile is also capable of controlling cholesterol and blood pressure are distanced from the disease of hypertension.

4. Prevent Cancer

The benefits of flavonoids contained in spinach is able to dampen infection in the body that cause cancer. Some ovarian cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. In addition, some studies also reveal that spinach is believed to be able to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

5. To prevent premature aging

Vitamin a and anti-oxidants contained in spinach really help to prevent and overcome premature aging caused by free radicals.

6. Increasing the efficiency of muscles

Still remember the soap opera Popaye? It will grow strong muscular after eating spinach. No one indeed, because the spinach from the various research in the world believe can improve the efficiency of muscles. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that participants consuming 300 grams spinach a day reduces the amount of oxygen needed to power their muscles a workout of five percent. The effect is visible only after three days of consumption of spinach. It is remarkable.

7. Launch the digestion

Spinach is a very green vegetables high in fiber content, it really impacted on digestive health in the human body. If you experience problems or other digestive CHAPTER it's good you consume your daily menu as spinach.

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